The best choice to self monitor your relationships.

This report explains the energetic connections between you and another person.

It makes a great gift, or it can be used as a tool to shift the dynamics of any relationship!
This isn’t just for Intimate relationships!

Report Styles - 3 Versions to Choose From!
- Intimate Relationships
- Friends/Family
- Professionals/Peers

Report length and page quantity varies, depending on the amount of connections between 2 people, however the average length is 18 pages.

What Is Included
Reports include fundamental information about each person’s unique cards as dictated by the Lifetime Brith and Planetary Ruling Spreads. Decanate Ruling Cards are included for those who have them. Additionally, Connections, the Compatibility Index plus a full set of instructions are included so that you can actually use and apply the information.

Emailed, printed versions available, contact me for details

Intimate Relationships

Non Intimate Relationships

The 2 Person report

The 2 Person Report, emailed or printed at an additonal cost, contact for details
$25 USD

The 2 Person Report

The Upgraded Report Interpretation Session, 30 minutes. recording upon request
$60 USD SAVE $10

The Upgraded Report Interpretation Session, Additional 30 minutes. recording upon request
$55 USD
SAVE $10