The best choice to self monitor your years ahead.

Each year of report provides between 50-80 pages of information for you to better understand and take advantage of the energies around you during a given period of time. This is especially helpful if you have some experience interpreting the cards. These reports are loaded with useable information, for anyone at any level!

12 months are broken down into 52 day periods which indicate the energies you will encounter during your year, from birthday to birthday with a detailed explanation of what it could mean and how it could affect you. Remember that free will trumps all!

You choose how many years you’d like to forecast!
You can even choose the start and end date, though it is recommended to select them from birthday to birthday.

What Is Included (A LOT!)
Reports include fundamental information about your unique cards as well as your year(s) ahead as dictated by your Birth and Personality Ruling Cards. Decanate Ruling Cards are included for those who have them. Additionally, Environment and Displacement Cards, Long Range, Pluto and Results Cards, and and a full set of instructions are included in these reports.


Please contact me for questions to make sure you receive the information that you desire.

1 year $25 USD

2 years $45 USD

3 years for $ 65 USD

4 years for $85 USD

5 years for $100 USD

10 years for $180 USD


The Yearly report

The Yearly Report
$25 - $180 USD

The Yearly Report
from $25.00

7 Year Influences
$5 USD

Yearly Report 13 Year Influences

The Upgraded Report Interpretation Session, 30 minutes. recording upon request
$70 USD SAVE $10

13 Year Influences
$5 USD

Yearly Report 13 Year Influences

Additional 30 minutes Report Interpretation, recording upon request
$45 USD SAVE $10