The Report Interpretation Reading
Support for the Do It Yourselfer
Is This Service Right For You
This reading is an add on service only offered to those who have previously purchased any report.
What To Expect
The energies impacting our lives shift on a regular basis, therefore, what we experience and how we feel, changes along with it. While the reports are clear and detailed, knowing exactly what they mean and how to apply them in a practical manner, is easier and more effective with experienced interpretation and guidance.
The Session
We will review the report and time period in question. Even if you do not have specific questions or concerns, we can examine the significance of the cards and how to apply their energies in a meaningful way, so that you have a better chance of achieving the results that you’re aiming for.
The Report Interpretation Reading
30 minutes Report Interpretation Session, recording upon request
$70 USD
Additional 30 minutes Report Interpretation Session, you may add as many additional 30 minute blocks as you’d like, recording upon request
$55 USD